Student Wellbeing

​​​​​​We know that there is a strong interconnection between learning and wellbeing, and that your daughters - our students - can engage more readily in their studies when in an optimum state of wellness.

As a Catholic community in the Dominican tradition, San Sisto values the heart, mind, and spirit of each young woman. We take an inclusive approach to the education of young women and work collaboratively with students, parents, and teachers to meet the wellbeing needs of your daughters. 

Our mission is to provide an ongoing experience of wholeness and hope and to celebrate the inherent dignity of each young woman in our care.

Our student wellbeing is enhanced through our approach to behaviour support. We do this through an evidence-based system of support with our Positive Behaviour for Learning framework. This model focuses on building and maintain positive, respectful relationships across our community and offering our staff the best tools and techniques for maintaining and restoring relationships.

View our Student Behaviour Support Plan here: 2025 Student Behaviour Support Plan.pdf

At San Sisto College, we maintain a range of networks supporting our students’ success. These networks are comprised of the following:

Home Room Teachers The hom​e room teacher is the first port of call for parents when addressing the wellbeing needs of their daughter. Students have home room time each morning and afternoon, allowing staff and students to build rapport in a positive and encouraging manner.

Student Wellbeing Leaders 
The Student Wellbeing Leader has an important role within the College. They are key in supporting the wellbeing of students within their year level. You will receive communication from the Student Wellbeing Leader throughout the year and you should contact them if you have any concerns about your daughter’s wellbeing.

Guidance Counsellors 
We have two full-time Guidance Counsellors who work closely with students, home room teachers, and student wellbeing leaders to support the wellbeing of your daughters.

Special Programs Throughout the year we proactively support students with targeted and relevant information and workshops delivered by guest presenters and Student Wellbeing Leaders. They receive information around critical issues affecting the, including proactive messages about pro-social values, the college’s Sister Standards, and use of social media. 

Personal Development Lessons At a time most critical to young women, our Year 9 and 10 students participate in a Personal Development lesson within the ten-day timetable cycle. In these important classes, students learn about topics such as bullying and cyberbullying, social media awareness, being an upstander, respect, and positive psychology.

Supporting Your Family 
If at any time your family is experiencing challenging circumstances, we invite you to communicate with your child’s Student Wellbeing leader so that support can be provided to you. We work in partnership with you to achieve best learning and wellbeing outcomes for our students.

The WELL is a place referred to in the bible where Jesus meets an outcast Samaritan woman and demonstrates his love for all people. A well is a place where one goes to seek essential nourishment and replenishment, and we have used the “the well” as a metaphor for our wellbeing hub at San Sisto.

The WELL is a dedicated place at our college for students to receive wellbeing support from their support team. At various times in the school year, special activities are also organised during lunch breaks to build relationships and a sense of belonging.

​​​© Brisbane Catholic Education, San Sisto College (2024).