Enrolment Processes and Key Dates
Year 7, 2030
| The enrolment application link (below) opened on 1 January 2025 for students currently in Year 2.
Year 7, 2029 – Closing end of November 2025.
| For students currently in Year 3. Interviews conducted from February/March 2026 with offers to be made by early/mid March.
Year 7, 2028 – Closed end of 2024, however still accepting expressions of interest.
| For students currently in Year 4. Interviews conducted from February/March 2025 with offers to be made by early/mid March.
Year 7, 2027 – Closed end of 2023, however we are still accepting expressions of interest.
| For students currently in Year 5. Interviews conducted from February/March 2024 with offers to be made by early/mid March.
Year 7, 2026 – Currently a waiting list, however we are still accepting expressions of interest.
| For students currently in Year 6.
All other year levels
| Applications are assessed on an individual basis
Follow this step by step guide to secure your daughter's place at San Sisto College:
1. Enrol online
To make an enrolment application, click here.
2. Collect your documents
After you submit your online enrolment application, you will receive a confirmation email requesting you to prepare your documents and send them through as soon as possible. Your daughter's enrolment will be processed quickly to avoid any wait lists.
We require the following documents to enrol your daughter:
1. Evidence of identity
- Birth Certificate, current passport;
2. Download and complete our Further Information Document
Enrolment Parts A, B, C San Sisto College 2023.pdf
3. Baptismal certificate (if applicable);
4. Copy of your daughter’s most recent report from her current school
5. Copy of your daughter’s latest NAPLAN results
6. A link to pay your application fee of $140 (non-refundable) will be emailed once your application has been processed.
Please forward these documents to sansistoenrolment@bne.catholic.edu.au with your daughter's name, her year level (i.e. Year 7) and her year of enrolment.
3. After the application is completed
The College conducts student interviews at the beginning of your daughter's Year 4 year. Some interviews may be conducted at the end of her Year 3 year, at the discretion of the Principal.
Following the interview, parents are advised if their application has been successful and a place may be offered.
Confirmation of Enrolment papers and an acceptance fee of
$500.00 is payable upon acceptance of the enrolment offer. Any delays with returning this paperwork may result in a cancellation of your daughter's enrolment.
4. Familarise yourself with our enrolment information
Now you have enrolled your daughter, it is time to familarise yourself with the College's policies and procedures.
Need help?
All enrolment enquiries may be addressed to our Enrolment Officer, via sansistoenrolment@bne.catholic.edu.au or phone the College on 3900 9800.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, San Sisto College (2024).